Next: The Brexit Party and the May Euro-Elections March to May 2019
(Previous: Before the Referendum 2000-2016)
Gisela Stuart, MP, and Leave campaigner at Queen Mary's University of London, 17 Oct 2016 - where I meet up with some old Referendum campaigners
Munira Mirza, Manick Govinda at the Rich Mix, 28 March 2017, talking about life after Brexit
"Brexit may not happen, given those in charge," - me on an Invoke Democracy Now panel, with Vicky Richardson and Pauline Hadaway, 20 June 2017
Tom Slater addressing an Invoke Article 50 protest outside Parliament, September 2017
At 'The World Transformed' - or not - in Liverpool, listening to Paul Mason, and arguing with a Remain campaigner, September 2018
In Paris, to support the Gilets Jaunes, and meet up with Fraser from Spiked, 16 December 2018
Listening to Ben Cobley, on his book Tribes, and Brexit, January 2019
On The Dermot Murnaghan Show arguing that the backstop problem has largely been invented, 28 January 2019
... and on Sky News saying it is too soon to write off Churchill, 14 February, 2019
By this time it was becoming apparent that the Government was going to miss the 29 March deadline.
Next: The Brexit Party and the May Euro-Elections March to May 2019
(Previous: Before the Referendum 2000-2016)