SARTRE, Jean-Paul,
(1905-1980). French existentialist philosopher and author. Taught (1931-45) in Le Havre,
Laon, and Paris lycées, Sartre was a served in the resistance and continued to fight
injustice throughout his life - most notably campaigning for a free Algeria. He was
awarded but refused 1964 Nobel prize for literature. Expounded his philosophy of
Existentialism in novels La Nausée (1938) and Les Chemins de la liberté(trilogy,
1945-49); plays as Les Mouches (1943), Huis-clos (1944), Les Mains sales
(1948), Le Diable et le bon dieu (1951), Les Séquestrés d' Altona (1959);
and philosophical works as L'Imagination (1936), L' Imaginaire (1940),
L'Être et le néant (1943), L'Existentialisme est un humanisme (1946); also
wrote Les Mots (1963, autobiography) and Flaubert (1971, literary study).
With Simone de Beauvoir founded and edited review Les Temps Modernes (1946).