RUSSELL, Bertrand Arthur William.3d Earl Russell. (1872-1970), English
mathematician and philosopher. Influenced by G.E. Moore, became a physical Realist (from
1898); imprisoned for pacifist views (1918); in later years involved in protesting nuclear
weapons and Vietnam War. Awarded Nobel prize for literature (1950). Known especially for
work in mathematical logic. Among his books were Principles of Mathematics (1903), Principia
Mathematica (1910-13, with A.N. Whitehead), Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy
(1919), The Analysis of Mind (1921), The A B C of Relativity (1925), The
Analysis of Matter (1927), Education and the Social Order (1932), In Praise of
Idleness (1935), History of Western Philosophy (1945), Human Knowledge, Its
Scope and Limits (1948), Political Ideals (1963), Autobiography
Analytic Philosophy and the Vienna Circle