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Blogs and press coverageReview of The Aborigines' Protection Society, in Critical Muslim 05 March 2013
The Aborigines' Protection Society reviewed in Arena, April 2012
My piece on Margaret Hodge features in Catalyst's news round up, as well as being reproduced by Lancaster Unite Against Fascism and the anti-racist network
This northern Irish Buddhist takes exception to my critique of the Optimum Population Trust, but this Australian Sub-Herald columnist likes it
Rosie Bell thinks I am dismissive of Orwell
My 'Goodbye Green Belt', is in the RIBA Journal, March 2007
Quoted in the Wimbledon Guardian, on property prices, 3 November 2006
Rynd Smith of the Royal Town Planning Institute takes issue with Let's Build on the front page of Planning, 18 October 2006
Let's Build noticed in Gadfly's column in the Financial Mail, 17 October 2006 (scroll down three stories)
Good, critical review of Let's Build by Owen Hatherley, on the blog Measures Taken who says that my prose is like Marinetti writing editorials for the Financial Times. Thanks!
Leslie Turner's Book Review of Let's Build on the Maidstone Labour Party Blog
'The Spy Who Was Left in the Cold', St Petersburg Times, 26 December 2006
'A Lethal Web Of Spooks, Oligarchs and Spin', Moscow Times, 22 December 2006
'The Agent Who Was Left Out In The Cold', Moscow Times, 21 December 2006
'Litvinenko's accuser turns her anger on Aftenposten', Aftenposten, 11 December 2006
Daily Telegraph, 26 November 2006 Ex-spy recruited killers: ReportsOttawa Sun
Interviews tell of hits set up by KremlinThe Australian
Poisoned spy told of hiring killers for KremlinChicago Sun-Times
Edmonton Sun -Los Angeles Times and many, many more.
Also, I am interviewed in Stern, 30 November 2006, for Cornelia Fuchs article on Litvinenko, as well as the Newcastle University newspaper, the Courier (4 December) and the Westminster University Newspaper, the Smoke (5 December). Let's Build! is 'the latest manifesto for the advocates of untrammelled development', according to the environmentalists' magazine, The Land, 'worth reading for its critique of Richard Rogers' urban renaissance and his cappuccino drinking "creative class", even if it is one dog set to catch another'. (Spring 2007) Read the review.
Superbia: the case for the Suburbs, Oct 2006
Sunday Times, 1 October 2006 In Italian
'Startlingly convincing, it was the juiciest and most persuasive movement for ages' wrote Kester Rattenbury in
Icon magazine, November 2006
Evening Standard, 2 October 2006
Heartfield's reply, 4 October 2006
Blueprint, September 2006
Building Design, 29 September 2006
'Suburbia is so last season...', Surrey Comet, 4 October 2006'Superbia suburbia', Daily Telegraph leader, 24 September 2006
'Welcome to "Superbia" - Housing Corporation chief Jon Rouse challenges the high-density urban orthodoxy', europa concorsi, 30 September 2006
Byeong-Seon Yoon quotes 'Two cheers for Agri-business', in 'Who is threatening our dinner table?', Monthly Review, November 2006
Sustainability Guru Herbert Girardet replies to me in Rising East, September 2006
The "Death of the Subject" Explained makes the bibliography of Colin Wight's Agents, Structures and International Relations: Politics as Ontology, Cambridge University Press, 2006
Matthew Bannister quotes 'There is no Masculinity Crisis', in his White Boys, White Noise: Masculinities and 1980s Indie Guitar Rock, Ashgate, 2006, p. xviPlaneteer Ahmed writes on my article 'Londonostalgia' in his blog
As does Graham Barnfield at the Loneliest Jukebox
But Andrew Bonnet takes issue with my concept of Londonostalgia in his paper 'Nostalgias of Situationist Subversion', in Theory, Culture, Society, September 2006
Magistra quotes me on the Masculinity Crisis at her blog
Craig Maier reprises the article 'Zombie Anti-Imperialists...' at his Media Nomad blogThis South African Communist University met to discuss The Death of the Subject Explained - Which they excerpt here - in October 2006
Brendan O'Neill asked me about the Guerrilla Gardeners for the Christian Science Monitor, 23 May 2006
Prem Kumar Rajaram recommends my 'You are not a white woman' to his colonialism and postcolonialism students for their session on Sexuality and the Colony, at the Central European UniversityHeartfield quoted in 'Capital loss', a survey of creative industries outside of London by Jason Walsh in Digit, 12 Apr 2006
Vicky Pryce, Creativity, Design and Business Performance, DTI Economics Paper No 15, November 2005. Creativity Gap referenced.
Larry Elliott, 'Better Design requires Better Products', Guardian, 21 November 2005. James Heartfield quoted (from Creativity Gap).,5673,1647273,00.html
Bill Durodié 'What can the Science and Technology Community Contribute?' in Science and Technology Policies for the Anti-Terrorism Era, James, A. ed. IOS Press, Amsterdam, forthcoming. The "Death of the Subject" Explained cited
Susie Thomas 'Literary apartheid in the post-war London novel', Changing English, Volume 12, Number 2 / 01Oct 2005. 'Londonostalgia' quoted.
Chris Gibson and Lily Kong, 'Cultural Economy: a critical review', Progress in Human Geography, Volume 29, October, pp 541-561, Great Expectations: the creative industries in the New Economy, cited
John Holden, 'Valuing Culture in the South East', Demos, for the South East England Development Agency, 10 August 2005. Creativity Gap quoted.
Archinect compliment my article on Hilary Cottam's Designer of the Year Award, 20 June 2005
'The heart of a remote part', Prospect (Scotland), June 2005. Creativity Gap quoted
Luke March and Cas Mudde 'Whats Left of the Radical Left? The European Radical Left After 1989: Decline and Mutation' Comparative European Politics, 2005, 3. 'Capitalism and anti-capitalism' cited
Bill Durodié 'The Concept Of Risk' Paper commissioned by The Nuffield Trust for the UK Global Health Programme, February 2005. The "Death of the Subject" Explained cited
Bill Durodié, 'Cultural Precursors and Psychological Consequences of Contemporary Western Responses to Acts of Terror' in The Psychology of War and Peace, Fitzduff, M. and Stout C.E. eds. Praeger Press, Westport, 2005. The "Death of the Subject" Explained cited
Tara McCormack 'Securitizing ethics?' Paper for Conference, 'The Ethical Dimension of European Foreign Policy', London School of Economics, July 1st-2nd 2005. 'European integration as a 'process without a subject'' quoted
Christian Leuprecht, 'Comparing demographic policy, change, and ethnic relations in Mauritius and Fiji', paper to Canadian Political Science Association conference, at the University of Western Ontario, 2-4 June 2005. 'Dark races against the light' cited,%20Christian.pdf
My article on Neil and Christine Hamilton cited in piece on them in the Scotsman, 27 March 2005
Shaun Spiers, 'Curb demand for housing', The Guardian 28 February 2005. A reply to 'The government must stop finding reasons not to build new homes'.,,1426690,00.html
Dietmar Dath 'Macht? Macht doch, was ihr wollt!' Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 17 January 2005. The "Death of the Subject" Explained quoted
John E. Davies, 'Ethnic Competition and the Forging of the Nation-State of Fiji', The Round Table, Vol. 94, No. 1, January 2005. 'Fijians Paramount?' and 'Dark races against the light' quoted.
Jim Shorthose, 'The new cultural economy, the artist and the social configuration of autonomy' Capital and Class, Winter 2004. Great Expectations cited
Satnam Virdee Race, Employment and Social Change: a critique of current orthodoxies a seminar for the Leverhulme Programme on Migration and Citizenship 25 November 2004, (Bristol). The "Death of the Subject" Explained quoted.
Scott Mclemee, After the Empire, Chronicle of Higher Education, 5 November 2004. James Heartfield quoted
Teal Triggs 'Critical Thinkers or Political Pawns?: Educating the Next Generation of Designers' Paper to Future History, AIGA Design Education Conference, Chicago, 16-17 October 2004. Culture Vultures, quoted
Andreas Papastamou, 'Building Networks In Music', paper, Contemporary Trends in Musicology and Ethnomusicology, III Struga Conference, Struga, September 22 -24, 2004. Quotes Great Expectations
David Chandler, Imposing the Rule of Law: The Lessons of BiH for Peacebuilding in Iraq International Peacekeeping, Volume 11, Number 2, Summer 2004. The Death of the Subject Explained and 'Rights and the Legal Subject' quoted
Bashir Abu-Manneh, The Illusions of Empire, Monthly Review Press, June 2004. The Death of the Subject Explained quoted
Philip Hammond 'Postmodernity goes to war', Spiked, June 2004. The Death of the Subject Explained, quoted
David Chandler, From the Local to the Global: A Journey Away from Political Engagement? Paper for BISA Post-Structuralist Politics Workshop, SOAS, 14 May 2004. The 'Death of the Subject' Explained quoted
Ian Fillis, The Internationalizing Smaller Craft Firm, International Small Business Journal, Vol 22(1), 2004. Great Expectations quoted
Peter Smith, James Gleick's Faster, reviewed, Transport Research Group, c. 2004. The Economy of Time quoted
Ellie Lee, Abortion, Motherhood, and Mental Health: Medicalizing Reproduction in the United States and Great Britain (Social Problems and Social Issues), Aldine, 2004. Acknowledgements
Dr Calvin Taylor 'The Cultural Industries in Regional Development' presentation to Cultural Industries: Building Socially Inclusive Cities And Regions? Regional Studies Association conference, Newcastle, 14 November 2003
Jamie Cowling & Tania Wilmer 'Multi-Cultural Arts', paper for IPPR, October 2003. James Heartfield quoted
Chris Gilligan, 'Constant Crisis/Permanent Process: Diminished Agency and Weak Structures in the Northern Ireland Peace Process' The Global Review of Ethnopolitics, Vol. 3, no. 1, September 2003. Marxism and Social Construction quoted
Eleonora Belfiore, paper 'Auditing Culture: the subsidized cultural sector in the New Public Management' Policy And Politics International Conference, 24-26 July 2003 Bristol. Great Expectations quoted
Mark Ramsden and Becky Shaw, Stazione di Topolò, Third Text, Vol 17, Issue 2, 2003. James Heartfield quoted
David Serlin, 'Giants, Neither Tall nor Jolly', Cabinet, Issue 10 Spring 2003, Sustaining Architecture in the Anti-Machine Age quoted
Scott MacWilliam, The Poverty of Plenty, Historical Materialism, volume 11:1, 2003. Need and Desire in the Postmaterial Economy cited favourably
Carol B. Thompson, 'Sustaining Farms Sustaining Harvests'
Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, Volume 5 No 1, Spring 2003. "The Politics of Food: Two Cheers for Agribusiness," quoted
Michael Fitzpatrick, 'Die therapeutische Gesellschaft', Novo 63, March 2003. The "Death of the Subject" Explained cited
Vincent Kahiya 'Mugabes diplomatic victory against Britain hollow', Zimbabwe Independent, 28 February 2003. 'The French connection' (Spiked) quoted.
Charles Pigden 'Summertime Stalin?', Otago Daily Times 13 January 2003, and Zealand Political Review, Autumn 2003. Koba the Dread review criticised
Xavier Greffe, Artistic Jobs in the Digital Age, Occasional Papers 28, Arts Policy and Administration programme, Ohio State University, Presented at the 29th annual Social Theory, Politics, and the Arts Conference, 2003. Great Expectations referenced
Kathleen Morgan, PhD Research Student, 'An Assessment of a Creative Industries Venture Capital Fund', paper, University of Birmingham, c.2003. Great Expectations quoted
James Woudhuysen, 'Play as the main event in International and UK Culture', Cultural Trends Issues 43&44, 2001 [actually published 2003], p143, The 'Death of the Subject' Explained, cited
Benjamin Hunt, The Timid Corporation: why business is terrified of taking risk, Chichester, John Wiley, 2003. Need and Desire... referenced
Joanne L Hymas 'Do Children Have Rights?' Undercover Medicine, December 2002, Why Children's Rights are Wrong (LM 1993)
Tessa Mayes Restraint or revelation? Free speech and privacy in a confessional age, October 2002, Spiked. Acknowledgements
Sonja Merlak, 'Ob planih mokih so enske videti agresivne', Delo (Slovenia) 24 September 2002. Heartfield quoted.
David Campbell, 'Atrocity, memory, photography', Journal Of Human Rights, Vol. 1, No. 2 (June 2002). 'Hiding behind the Holocaust' LM, 98, quoted
Damian Finbar White 'A green industrial revolution? Sustainable technological innovation in a global age.' Environmental Politics, Vol 11, No.2, Summer 2002, pp1-26. 'The limits of evironmentalism', LM 110, 1998, disputed.
Steven Jay Tepper 'Creative Assets and the Changing Economy' The Journal Of Arts Management, Law, And Society, Vol. 32, No. 2 Summer, 2002. Great Expectations quoted
Kieran Healey, 'Whats New for Culture in the New Economy?' The Journal Of Arts Management, Law, And Society, Vol. 32, No. 2 Summer, 2002. Great Expectations quoted
Hugh Pearman, 'A flash of light and they're gone', Blueprint, April 2002. Sustaining Architecture in the Anti-Machine Age reviewed.
'Sustaining Architecture in the Anti-machine Age' (review), The Lecturer 28 March 2002.
Dan Atkinson, 'A knowledge economy: it's all in the mind', Mail on Sunday, 24 February 2002. Great Expectations quoted
Chris Evans 'Copyright and wrongs', Spiked-online, 18 February 2002. Need and Desire in the Postmaterial Economy quoted
Melissa Jones, 'Fields of Dreams', Blueprint February 2002. 'Concrete over the countryside' criticised.
Michelle Reeves, Measuring the economic and social impact of the arts
Arts Council, 2002
Alex Standish, 'The Politicization of Trade at the End of the Twentieth Century', paper c.2002. Quotes Need and Desire in the Postmaterial Economy
Peter Thomas, 'Cultural Studies: A Critical Realist Intervention' paper presented at the 5th Annual IACR Conference held at Roskilde University, Denmark, 17 - 19 August 2001. Need and Desire and Great Expectations quoted
Rob Brown, FT Creative Business supplement, Financial Times, 10 April 2001. Manchester speech quoted.
Organic Food and Farming: Myth and Reality, Soil Association, 2001. The New Socialism of Fools, quoted.
Donald Morton, 'Pataphysics of the closet: Queer theory as the art of imaginary solutions for unimaginary problems', Transformation 2, Syracuse, 2001. Need and Desire... quoted.
Bob Nowlan, 'Post-Marxist Queer Theory and the "Politics of AIDS"', Transformation 2, Syracuse, 2001. Need and Desire... quoted.
Vicky Richardson, New Vernacular Architecture, Watson Guptill, New York, 2001. Acknowledgements.
Damian F. White 'On Babies and Bath Water' Paper to Policy Agendas for Sustainable Technological Innovation, 3rd POSTI International Conference, London, 1-3 December, 2000. 'The Limits of Environmentalism' (LM 110) quoted
JJ Charlesworth, The Art of Third Way, Art Monthly no241, November 2000. James Heartfield quoted
Great Expectations: the creative industries in the new economy (book review) New Statesman Sept 11, 2000
Larry Elliott, 'Time to stop taking the bit-player role', Guardian, August 7, 2000. Great Expectations... 'an excellent pamphlet by James Heartfield' quoted,,351237,00.html
Trivial pursuits keep voters from the polling booth, Irish Examiner, 22 June 2000. James Heartfield quoted
Kenan Malik, Man, Beast and Zombie, Weidenfield and Nicholson, 2000. Acknowledgements.
John Hutnyk, Critique of Exotica: Music, Politics and the Culture Industry, London, Pluto Press, 2000. Need and Desire ... quoted, p 226
Suke Wolton, Lord Hailey, the Colonial Office and the Politics of Race and Empire in the Second World War, Macmillan, 2000. Acknowledgements
K. Ecclestone, 'Care or control?: Defining learners' needs for lifelong learning', British Journal of Educational Issues, Blackwell, 1999, Vol 47, Iss 4, pp 332-347. Need and Desire... cited
Philip Hammond 'The Mystification of Culture:Western Perceptions of Japan' Gazette: The International Journal for Communication Studies, Vol. 61, No. 3-4, 311-325 (1999). Quotes Need and Desire in the Postmaterial Economy
John Howard Society Of Alberta, paper, 'Dangerous Offender Legislation Around The World', 1999. 'Is fear itself the greatest danger?' LM 110, 1998, quoted
Bill Durodié, Poisonous Dummies, European Risk Regulation after BSE, European Science and Environment Forum, 1999. Need and Desire in the Post-Material Economy quoted
James Woudhuysen, Cult IT: Digital Visions, ICA, 1999. Need and Desire... quoted, p 21-2
David Chandler, Bosnia: faking Democracy After Dayton, Pluto, 1999. Acknowledgements
Investment Adviser, Leader, 9 November 1998. Need and Desire... cited
Pete Martin and Dave Sayers, 'Constructing Cool Britannia', Varsity (Cambridge), 30 October 1998. Need and Desire... rehearsed
Alan Rusbridger, 'Conspiracy merchants', Guardian October 21, 1998. 'Cash, questions and answers', LM 108 slighted without being referenced.
Sandy Starr, 'Need and Desire in the Post-material Economy' (review), Cherwell (Oxford), 16 October 1998.
Kate Moorcock, Swings and Roundabouts: Danger and Safety in Outdoor Play Environments, Sheffield Hallam University Press, 1998. Acknowledgements.
P. Lewis et al, In Defence of the Dome, Adam Smith Institute, 1998. Need and Desire... quoted.
Valerie Riches, Family Bulletin, July 1998. Childrens Rights ... quoted.
'Thinkers Corner', New Statesman, 24 July 1998. Need and Desire... reviewed.
Ian Coutts, The Globe and Mail, Toronto, 18 July 1998. Quoted.
Andrew Calcutt, Arrested Development: Pop Culture and the Erosion of Adulthood, Cassell, 1998. Childrens Rights... quoted, p 242-3. Acknowledgements.
Stephen Glover, Telegraph, 13 March 1998. Neil Hamilton interview quoted.
Bob Franklin and Thomas Hammarberg, The Handbook of Childrens Rights: Comparative Policy and Practice, Routledge. Childrens Rights... quoted.
Kenan Malik, 'The Mirror of Race', in Ellen Meiksins Wood and John Bellamy Foster (eds), In Defence of History: Marxism and the Postmodern Agenda, New York: Monthly Review Press, 'Marxism and Social Construction' cited, p 131.
Helen Reece, 'Science at the bar: Law, science, and technology in America - Jasanoff, S', Social and Legal Studies, Sage, 1997, Vol 6, Iss 2, pp 318-319. 'Limits of Social Construction Theory' (Confrontation), quoted.
Aidan Campbell, Western Primitivism: African Ethnicity, Cassell, 1997. Marxism and Social Construction quoted p 205. Acknowledgements.
Aidan Campbell, 'Ethical Ethnicity - a Critique', Journal of Modern African Studies, 35, 1, 1997, p65-6, 'Marxism and social construction' quoted.
Peter Nicholls at Peace Magazine quoted my talk to Hiroshima Week
Kenan Malik, The Meaning of Race: Race History and Culture in Western Society, Macmillan 1996. Quoted, p 245. Acknowlegements.
Helen Reece, The Paramountcy Principle: Consensus or construct (1996) 49, Current Legal Problems Acknowledgements.
Helen Reece, 'Subverting the Stigmatization Argument', Journal of Law and Society, Volume 23, Number 4, December 1996. Acknowledgements.
Kofi Buenor Hadjor Another America: The politics of race and blame, South End Press, 1995: Acknowledgements: I want to thank ... James Heartfield for allowing access to his work on "white flight" and the "underclass" debate.
J. Hopton, 'The political correctness debate and caring in psychiatric nursing', Nurse Education Today, Churchill Livingstone, 1995, Vol 15, Iss 5, pp 341-345. 'The PC Presidency', Living Marxism 53 cited.
D Lambert, 'The National Curriculum - what shall we do with it?' Geography 1994, Vol 79, Iss 342, pp 65-76. 'The Battle of the Books', Living Marxism 32 cited.
P. Dowgill and D. Lambert, 'Cultural literacy and school geography', Geography 1992, Vol 77, Iss 335, pp 143-151. 'The Battle of the Books', Living Marxism 32 cited.
Frank Furedi, Mythical Past, Elusive Future: History and Society in an Anxious Age, Pluto Press, 1992. Reference, p 290. Acknowledgements.
Robert Knight, Stalinism in Crisis, Pluto Press, 1991. Acknowledgements.