This is the third part of a diary of the anti-lockdown campaign in London, from Autumn 2021 to January 2022. Part one is here, and Part two, here.

The campaign against lockdown restrictions was in some disarray, following the success of the government's vaccine programme in 2021. The 24 July rally saw the protests split as many were unimpressed by the more conspiracy-minded and anti-vaxx platform speakers.

New issues, like the introduction of the NHS App and its use as a prototype vaccine passport, and later the threatened sacking of unvaccinated NHS Staff brought a new unity to the protests. The #Together Declaration made a platform for vaccinated and unvaccinated to unite in defence of civil liberties.

25 September 2021 - London protest



18 December 2021 - Rally for Freedom


31 December 2021 - New Year's Eve


After London Mayor Sadiq Khan cancelled the traditional fireworks display, this protest reinstated it, to the irritation of the Tactical Support Group.

Feelings were running high as government scientists had predicted a massive wave of deaths due to the new 'omicron' variant (or 'scariant', as the protestors would say). New restrictions were being planned, but a backbench revolt against vaccine certificates put pressure on the government to hold off a new clampdown.


22 January 2022- Victory in Sight?

Before this protest took place, the government signalled that it would repeal many of the restrictions on civil liberties under the pandemic planning. Masks in schools were to be abandoned, Working from Home and the other 'Plan B' measures scrapped. But as the #Together campaign pointed out, that still left the threat of sacking hanging over thousands of NHS staff.


The demonstration culminated with NHS Staff throwing their uniforms at Downing Street in disgust at the sacking threat. Soon after, Sajid Javid announced that the threat would be held in abeyance.


After the demonstration, some of us took the opportunity to celebrate the beginning of the end of the Covid 19 pandemic regime.

James Heartfield, 28 January 2022